Windows Protokolle anzeigen, exportieren, löschen

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Windows Protokolle anzeigen, exportieren, löschen, usw.

Alle Protokollnamen anzeigen:
wevtutil el

Alle Protokolleinträge löschen:
wevtutil el | foreach { wevtutil cl $_ }

Weitere Commands:
el | enum-logs          List log names.
gl | get-log            Get log configuration information.
sl | set-log            Modify configuration of a log.
ep | enum-publishers    List event publishers.
gp | get-publisher      Get publisher configuration information.
im | install-manifest   Install event publishers and logs from manifest.
um | uninstall-manifest Uninstall event publishers and logs from manifest.
qe | query-events       Query events from a log or log file.
gli | get-log-info      Get log status information.
epl | export-log        Export a log.
al | archive-log        Archive an exported log.
cl | clear-log          Clear a log.